Homeowners can overlook the differences between plumbers and plumbing contractors. While both categories of professionals are capable of working with plumbing fixtures, a plumbing contractor has advanced training that allows them to work directly with your home's water system.

Plumbing contractors work almost exclusively on new home constructions or renovation projects. The more you understand the unique services provided by a plumbing contractor, the better prepared you will be to make use of these professionals when dealing with plumbing issues in your own home.

1. Water Heater Services

One of the unique services a plumbing contractor can provide is the installation or repair of a water heater. Water heaters can be dangerous appliances if they are not installed and maintained properly.

A plumbing contractor has the training and experience required to establish gas connections to the water heater. These gas connections provide the energy needed for the water heater to function efficiently. If you don't have a gas water heater, a plumbing contractor can also work with electric and tankless water heaters as well.

2. Consulting

Plumbing contractors are often brought in as consultants during the planning phases of a home construction project. A plumbing contractor can evaluate the proposed plumbing system in a home's blueprint to determine if it meets all local requirements.

Having the help of a plumbing contractor before you break ground on a new home allows you to make any necessary plumbing adjustments before construction begins. You will avoid making costly mistakes throughout the construction process, reducing expenses, and shortening your build timeline.

3. Slab Leak Repair

Many of the sewer and water lines that service a home are located beneath the concrete foundation. If these sewer or water lines sustain damage, a slab leak appears. Repairing a slab leak can be tricky. Plumbing contractors can use specialized equipment to pinpoint the location of the leak beneath your home's foundation. Additional tools are then used by plumbing contractors to remove a small section of the concrete foundation to access the leaking pipe below.

If the concrete section isn't removed properly, you could sustain permanent foundation damage. Plumbing contractors have the training and knowledge needed to deal with slab leaks successfully.

4. Gas Leak Repairs

Gas leaks within your home can be incredibly dangerous. Leaking gas lines can cause illness and death. Plumbing contractors are uniquely trained to identify and repair gas leaks. A natural gas line is often connected to your home's water-using appliances.

Pipes carrying this gas run underneath your yard from the main pipeline. If one of these buried gas lines is leaking, you will notice dead vegetation and detect the odor of sulfur in the immediate area.

A plumbing contractor can access these gas lines and repair damage safely. Gas control valves and other devices that help regulate gas flow can be installed by plumbing contractors to give you greater control over your gas lines in the future.

5. Plumbing Inspections 

Anytime a home is built from scratch or renovated, a final plumbing inspection must be completed. These inspections are designed to ensure that all the plumbing pipes, lines, appliances, and fixtures comply with state and local building codes.

Plumbing contractors have the licenses required to complete these final inspections. A plumbing contractor can do a walk-through of your home to check for compliance after any major renovation or construction project. Getting the stamp of approval from a plumbing contractor allows you to avoid potential code violations in the future.

Plumbing contractors can do so much more than unclog a toilet or fix a leaky faucet. Contact companies like Bud's Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning & Electric when you need help with advanced plumbing tasks in the future.
