Any parent prioritizes creating a comfortable and healthy space for a newborn. This sentiment extends to the air quality and temperature control systems within the room. Ensuring that your nursery is as safe and comfortable as possible starts with selecting the right AC system.

Today, you will be exploring the different AC system types that are best suited for nursery rooms.

Central Air Conditioning Systems

Central air conditioning is the epitome of convenience, as it keeps the entire home at a consistent temperature. This can be especially advantageous for nurseries, providing an uninterrupted stream of filtered, comfortable air. The noise from a central AC unit is usually quieter than that of wall units or portable systems, a key factor when considering a sleeping baby. However, central AC systems have their challenges, such as higher installation costs, the need for regular maintenance, and the possibility of allergens and other contaminants accumulating in the ducts. These concerns could influence your decision if your baby has specific health needs or if cost is a significant consideration.

Split-System Air Conditioners

Split-system air conditioners, commonly referred to as split ACs, consist of two units: one indoors and one outside. The indoor unit is mounted high on the wall, which helps to keep it out of reach of children and pets. Split systems are known for their high energy efficiency, quiet operation, and effective cooling abilities. They usually include air purifying features, which is a huge plus for a nursery. For a nursery, in particular, a split AC system is beneficial because you can easily control the temperature and humidity levels with precision, offering a more comfortable environment for the little one. It's worth noting that while split systems are less costly than central AC in terms of installation, they can still be on the higher end of the spectrum.

Portable Air Conditioners

Portable AC units appeal to many parents due to their flexibility. They can be shifted from room to room, serving multiple purposes, which is a significant advantage if the nursery is not a permanent fixture. Installation is as simple as placing the unit near a window to vent the hot air, and they often include features like timers and various air speed settings. However, the flexibility of a portable AC comes with a trade-off. These units are generally noisier than their split or central counterparts because all the components are housed in one case. That being said, if acoustics aren't a critical factor for your nursery, portables can be a cost-effective and versatile solution.

To learn more about AC system installation services, reach out to an HVAC contractor.
